Dr. Marty Goldstein on PEMF and Pets

Dr. Marty Goldstein, #1 Best-Selling Author: The Nature of Animal Healing : The Definitive Holistic Medicine Guide to Caring for Your Dog and Cat
Since shortly after graduating Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine in the early 1970s, I have been practicing many forms of integrative medicine. These modalities range from acupuncture, nutritional therapy including nutraceutical supplementation, herbal medicine, homeopathy, allopathic medicine, cryosurgery and more. But throughout these over four-plus decades of clinical practice in integrative veterinary medicine, nothing has impressed me or my team of staff doctors to the extent which Magnawave/PEMF therapy has. The chief factors which back up this statement are 1) the simplicity of its use, the non-requiring of a definitive medical diagnosis in order to treat, the speed at which positive clinical results are obtained and the lack of adverse reactions. Not a day goes by at our Smith Ridge Veterinary Center where our Magnawave unit is not in full use treating dogs and cats.
Of the many documented indications for using this therapy in the medical, scientific literature, the conditions which we commonly treat are arthritis, injuries, spinal and neurological ailments, kidney disease and cancer. Although assorted forms of energy medicine are contra-indicated with cancerous conditions, we were pleased to see positive reviews when searching the literature. One case, in fact, was a small dog with a very large tumor of her rear leg (mast cell tumor) that we witnessed a decrease in size within minutes of treating. Also because of scientific backing that this therapy can enhance absorption of a medicinal up to 200% into the area treated, we now use our Magnawave to enhance our other biological cancer therapies. And I am pleased to report that we have two current non-surgical brain cancer dogs demonstrating positive results being treated. I can truly say that adding Magna Wave PEMF therapy has enhanced our practice. The integration of this service was easy for our staff and our clients.